Four Paws from Heaven
Title: Four Paws from Heaven Devotions for Dog Lovers
Authors: M. R. Wells, Kris Young, and Connie Fleishauer
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
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Three talented writers and dog masters share wisdom gleaned while walking through life alongside four paws. This book focuses on spiritual lessons which include: who we are on the inside matters; rebellion blocks blessings; boundaries are for our own good; using our talents glorifies God; and if we always bark, we won't hear our instructions.
My Thoughts
A book for dog lovers full of short solemn stories. The book is divided into 5 parts; Heart to Heart, Obedience Training, Meal Choices, To Heel or Not to Heel, Master Knows Best.
Just beyond the foreword, the reader gets to meet the pups. There are images of seven dogs and each one tells a little about their breed, description, and personality.
The story where Morgan (dog) is taken to the vet because it's feared he may have distemper was thought-provoking. I could just imagine sitting at the vet, cuddling any one of my three dogs, the way Morgan was being cuddled. As it turned out, Morgan did not have distemper. It seemed Morgan was lost but God helped restore him. The stories draw the reader into a faith-based journey with scripture provided.