The Dogist Puppies
The Dogist Puppies
by Elias Weiss Friedman
Artisan Books
Pub Date 19 Sep 2017
EDITION Hardcover
ISBN 9781579657437
PRICE $24.95 (USD)
FTC: Reviewed for Artisan Books and Net Galley
The Dogist Puppies, the follow-up to the New York Times bestseller The Dogist, is a beautiful, funny, and endearing look at puppies. And with their sweet faces, soft bellies, and oversized paws, the puppies in The Dogist Puppies make this book even more irresistible than Friedman’s first one! Presented documentary-style, every portrait tells a story and explores each puppy’s distinct character and spirit. The book presents a gallery of puppy portraits arranged into themes including Ears, Big Paws, Cones of Shame, Learning to Walk, and Fancy Outfits, giving every dog lover something to pore over. With the author’s 2.4 million and growing Instagram followers, The Dogist Puppies is poised to reach a large audience of puppy lovers looking for the perfect gift book this holiday season.
My Thoughts
I am a dog lover and The Dogist Puppies has an adorable selection of photographs that will make most anyone smile. Images of many different breeds of puppies are captured while playing, exploring and even sleeping.
The book offers pure and mixed breeds as well as some lesser-known breeds.
I appreciate that this book also promotes responsible care and shows methods that will help in training service dogs. The book is put together well with quality paper. It makes a great coffee table book to display or gift for a friend.