Beginner's Garden

Beginner's Garden
A Practical Guide to Growing Vegetables & Fruit without Getting Your Hands Too Dirty
by Alex Mitchell
Fox Chapel Publishing
IMM Lifestyle Books
Crafts & Hobbies , Home & Garden
Pub Date 12 Mar 2018   
Edition Paperback
ISBN 9781504800983
PRICE $16.99 (USD)
FTC:Reviewed  for Fox Chapel Publishing and Net Galley


This book offers a fun and lighthearted guide to growing your own salads, herbs, vegetables, and fruit, armed with little more than a trowel and some seedlings. Aimed at complete beginners, it de-mystifies the gardening process with sound practical and seasonal advice, lots of hints and tips for successful growing, delicious recipes, and fun weekend projects to help you make the most of your outdoor area, however small.
This completely new kind of gardening book is ideal for first-timers who have busy working lives but still want to grow their own produce—without spending all weekend digging.

My Thoughts

It is currently 21 degrees here. So, earlier this morning, I snuggled up on the sofa with a cup of tea and read this lovely beginner's gardening book. And while I am not new to gardening, I enjoyed this book. 

Being that we have snow on the ground here, I found myself skipping around a bit while reading this. 

I skipped forward to the section on winter jobs and then onto the section that promotes starting seed trays and pots inside in early spring.

 I then viewed the section on soil type and preparation.

From there, I moved onto composting, planting and harvesting. 

I paused for a while to check out the section on terracotta pots and flowers. You see, I like to grow impatiens in terracotta pots like this one on our porch.

Throughout the read, beautiful photos and tasty recipes lure one to want to begin gardening as soon as possible.There are some descriptions of pesky garden villains too.

A view of my garden below. 
