Surviving the Twenties Transformation: Empower Your Soul and Change Your Life K. L. Martin


An identity crisis is not a new concept. A midlife crisis, commonly occurring in middle-aged adults, is a time when an individual is plagued by doubts concerning his or her identity and future purpose. What you might not know, however, is that you’re just as likely to experience the same struggle in your twenties.

The media and society have traditionally taught younger generations to focus on the “surface stuff” to combat feelings of self-doubt or dissatisfaction. Once you have it all—career, friends, marriage, a home, kids—the conflict will supposedly work itself out, and you’ll eventually know who you are. Many young adults are now realizing this narrative is false. Even after achieving “success,” you may still feel unfulfilled and conflicted.

Surviving the Twenties Transformation is an informative, motivational guide that exposes “quarter-life crisis” symptoms and offers spiritual solutions: recognizing your soul, trusting in God, identifying your strengths, and replacing your false ego with your true self, your soul.

Learn to listen to your intuition, and make the right choices through conscious living.
Crises will always come and go. By discovering your truest self, your soul, in your twenties, you will gain an inner strength that will sustain you for a lifetime.

Review: Surviving the Twenties Transformation: Empower Your Soul and Change Your Life by K. L. Martin

I found the twenty-one chapters in this motivational guide are a quick read.

Per the author, "This non-fiction book is directed to twenty-somethings, encouraging them to address the "spiritual crisis" of the soul that is really going on, not just the "identity crisis" of the self."

Chapter One begins with the quote, "Unlike any other Time during Your Life, the Choices Made from Your Late Teens to Your Late Twenties Will Profoundly Shape the Rest of Your Life. Guaranteed."

I think at one time or another many of us have been asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" 

One of the key points that the book makes is that true identity is not about the surface stuff and if we are looking to other people for our identity, we'll be disappointed.

A strong theme is knowing who you have involved humility and a willingness to sacrifice.

What is holding you back? 

This motivation guide lets you know you can do anything you need to do with perseverance.
With a conversational tone, this guide leads one to seek out a moral context with meaningful thoughts, purpose, and activities, so when the surface stuff collapses you're prepared. 

Here’s another quote that stuck out to me: To Live Consciously is to be Alert, Awake and Aware to the Details of Life that Everyone Else Ignores.

This book lets the readers know the importance of knowing what your gifts are and shutting out negative thoughts of “what if?” or “why is this happening?” After all, faith is the evidence of things not seen. 

While I was reading, I was aware the author speaks to the importance of God, prayer, family, and levels of love while knowing who you are.

Currently, this book is part of the Goodreads Book Giveaway. You can enter for a chance to win a free copy of this motivational book.

I received this book from the author for an honest review.

Surviving the Twenties Transformation: Empower Your Soul and Change Your Life 
Paperback: 180 pages
Publisher: Waconda Books (October 31, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0998961000
ISBN-13: 978-0998961002
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 11.7 ounces
