The Happy Historian Bookshop
When it comes to beautiful bookshops, there are quite a few, but this one I happened upon recently was unique in that it caters to Historical works.
At The Happy Historian Bookshop, the stylish sign only gives readers a glimpse of the treasures inside.
This charming bookshop will surely make you slow your step. It is a historian's literary gem and a must-visit for anyone who wants to research or study up on history.
Perusing the tower of books on the white shelves, I observed above them, a display of Indians, covered wagons, and farm animals, many of which appeared to be metal, iron, or wooden.
I turned back and walked down the aisle of antique cabinets where a huge head of Uncle Sam sat.
Beyond the beautiful library tables and other chests, I found laying on a shelf a copy of, "With Memories of Oscar Wilde by Bernard Shaw." George Bernard Shaw was a literary genius who spent much of his life contributing to history. He won the Noble prize for literature in 1925 and was still actively writing up until his death in 1950.
If you sit a spell, as I did, and open this book to the beginning, to the left of the page labeled BOOK11, you will find an image of Oscar Wilde with Lord Alfred Douglas which is estimated to be taken around 1893.
You can learn more about Oscar Wilde and other Fiction Portraits here
I walked on through a small passageway to explore. As a globe sits alongside the entrance, I'm coining this the worldly room. In addition to books, this room is adorned with memorabilia and the floors are decorated with antique rugs upon which sat wooden rockers.
There are a variety of stylish bookcases with open shelves holding books filled with countless words that depict the past and have undoubtedly molded a portion of the present and future.
I stopped for a while to inspect the portraits and photographs above the statue and the vintage Fisherman Sea Captain lamp.
Happy Historian Bookshop
24168 Front St
Grand Rapids, Ohio 43522
The Happy Historian Bookshop has moved across the street and is now part of the Old Gilead Books.