A Book for Benny

A Book for Benny
by Judith Koppens
Clavis Publishing
Children's Fiction
Pub Date 11 Oct 2017   
ISBN 9781605373522
PRICE $17.95 (USD)
FTC Reviewed ARC for Clavis Publishing and Net Galley


Let's read together! For book lovers and dog lovers and fans of libraries! It's raining. No problem, because Sam is enjoying her book. Her little dog Benny doesn't like reading. It wants to play. Sam tries to persuade Benny reading is fun. Would he like to have a different book perhaps? They go to the library together to find the right book for Benny. A funny and touching picture book about a little girl and her doggy, and about the joy of reading.

My Thoughts

This is an adorable book. Sam is reading and decides her dog Benny, needs a book too. She bundles up in her yellow raincoat, puts Benny on the leash, and off they go to the library. There, she searches until she finds the perfect book for Benny. They return home to read and relax. 

What a great message of sharing. It also teaches appropriate rain gear, and how children can select and check out library materials. 
