Ivy in Bloom
The Poetry of Spring from Great Poets and Writers of the Past
Vanita Oelschlager
Illustration Kristen Blackwood
Publisher VanitaBooks, LLC
Pub date May 1, 2009
Children's Fiction Poetry
FTC Reviewed for VanitaBooks and Net Galley
Ivy In Bloom captures the weariness of a young girl tired of a long winter. "I stare out the window," she says on the first spread of brown and gray, "looking for birds or flowers/or even warm showers/but I don't see any such thing." But then Spring comes when "March is out of breath...snow melting to flowery waters and watery flowers...spring rose from its wintry rest." And Ivy's "heart dances with daffodils." As these words also dance across each spread, Ivy's world erupts into a riot of color.
Ivy In Bloom introduces the poetry of Dickinson, Longfellow, Browning, Wordsworth, Frost, and others. Excerpts from their writings, as seen through Ivy's eyes, will open up poetry as a way for children to express their own feelings about the changing of seasons. This book includes longer excerpts and brief bios
for each author.
Ivy In Bloom introduces the poetry of Dickinson, Longfellow, Browning, Wordsworth, Frost, and others. Excerpts from their writings, as seen through Ivy's eyes, will open up poetry as a way for children to express their own feelings about the changing of seasons. This book includes longer excerpts and brief bios
for each author.
Ivy in Bloom is a beautiful way to introduce children to classic poets while helping them learn about the changing seasons.
I enjoyed the story and appreciated that the complete works of classic poets were posted in the back of the book - so it did not distract from the story. I felt the artwork was refreshingly engaging and lovely. The author's dedication made me smile all the more. I received a digital copy from VanitaBooks, LLC and Net Galley.
Author Vanita Oelschlager