The Festival Shoes

The Festival Shoes
by Tulolope Okudolo
Magnifying Children's Horizons
Children's Fiction, Outdoors & Nature
Pub Date 15 Aug 2017   
FTC Reviewed  ARC for Magnifying Children's Horizons and Net Galley 


Pixie Drumlo is drafted to help deliver rewards to children on earth—With the Great Festival approaching, Drumlo is entrusted with a most treasured reward. Determined, he sets out on his journey, venturing down to earth through unknown lands. Faced with an unexpected challenge, Drumlo must live up to the faith his teachers showed in him. Can Drumlo overcome this obstacle and complete his quest before the Great Festival begins? Or will he run out of time? The Festival Shoes offers an inside look into an enchanting world where children’s words, thoughts, and actions are transformed into magical threads ... where fate fairies weave these threads into special rewards ... and where every nature being helped ensure all actions are rewarded.

My Thoughts

I enjoy nature books and The Festival Shoes is not only beautifully written... it is magical. How the author involves all the senses when using corresponding colors and mood to portray earth actions, is brilliant. 

The wispiness of the illustrations plays into the story without overpowering the message which helps children learn to believe in themselves, and realize that they can turn challenges into positive actions. I love everything about this book including the thought-provoking discussion sheet enclosed.
