Brave Red, Smart Frog: A New Book of Old Tales


Step into a wintry forest where seven iconic fairy tales unfold retold with keen insight and touches of humor.
There once was a frozen forest so cold you could feel it through the soles of your boots. It was a strange place where some kisses broke enchantments, and others began them. Many said witches lived there—some with cold hearts, others with hot ovens and ugly appetites—and also dwarves in tiny houses made of stones. In this icy wood, a stepmother might eat a girl's heart to restore her own beauty, while a woodcutter might become stupid with grief at the death of his donkey. Here a princess with too many dresses grows spiteful out of loneliness, while a mistreated girl who is kind to a crone finds pearls dropping from her mouth whenever she speaks. With empathy and ear for emotion, Emily Jenkins retells seven fairy tales in contemporary language that reveals both the pathos and humor of some of our most beloved stories. Charming illustrations by Rohan Daniel Eason add whimsical details that enhance every new reading.

Review: Brave Red, Smart Frog: A New Book of Old Tales

I’ve always been captivated by tales, and these seven fairy stories are the perfect blend of timeless charm and creative twists. Presented as stories that could easily be shared during a cozy story hour, they invite readers to dive into familiar worlds with fresh perspectives.

Have you ever wondered why Little Red Riding Hood trusted the wolf so easily? Or did you know that Snow White’s mother had two other names in mind? And what about the enchanted frog—what made him fall in love with the princess?

What I truly love about these retellings is the imaginative writing that offers new insights, explanations, answers, and alternative possibilities for the classic fairy tales. It’s a delightful journey into the heart of these stories, filled with intriguing ideas and creative reimaginings.

Brave Red, Smart Frog: A New Book of Old Tales
A New Book of Old Tales
by Emily Jenkins; illustrator, Rohan Daniel Eason
Candlewick Press
Children's Fiction
Pub Date 05 Sep 
FTC Reviewed ARC for Candlewick Press and Net Galley
