My Brigadista Year
My Brigadista Year
by Katherine Paterson
Candlewick Press
Children's Fiction
Pub Date 10 Oct 2017
EDITION Hardcover
ISBN 9780763695088
PRICE $15.99 (USD)
FTC Reviewed ARC for Candlewick Press and Net Galley
In an engrossing historical novel, the Newbery Medal-winning author of Bridge to Terabithia follows a young Cuban teenager as she volunteers for Fidel Castro’s national literacy campaign and travels into the impoverished countryside to teach others how to read.
When thirteen-year-old Nora tells her parents that she wants to join Premier Castro’s army of young literacy teachers, her mother screeches to high heaven, and her father roars like a lion. Nora has barely been outside of Havana — why would she throw away her life in a remote shack with no electricity, sleeping on a hammock in somebody’s kitchen? But Nora is stubborn: didn’t her parents teach her to share what she has with someone in need?
Surprisingly, Nora’s abuela takes her side, even as she makes Nora promise to come home if things get too hard. But how will Nora know for sure when that time has come? Shining light on a little-known moment in history, Katherine Paterson traces a young teen’s coming-of-age journey from a sheltered life to a singular mission: teaching fellow Cubans of all ages to read and write, while helping with the work of their daily lives and sharing the dangers posed by counterrevolutionaries hiding in the hills nearby. Inspired by true accounts, the novel includes an author’s note and a timeline of Cuban history.
My Thoughts
This is a coming-of-age journey for a young Cuban teenager who volunteers for Fidel Castro’s national literacy campaign.
The setting is disturbing for anyone but especially for this young girl. Her parents are not happy about her decision as it's during a time of political unrest. A young literacy worker has already been killed by guerrillas and counterrevolutionaries are hiding in nearby fields. Her abuela sides with her, reminding her parent's it's a new day. And, she will be teaching other Cuban's to read and write.
During midyear of the campaign, the school's were closed. Reports surfaced stating that the campaign was behind and more teachers were needed to join.
This read started off as a work of nonfiction and evolved into a novel.The historical notations throughout make it an interesting read.