LIFE: Our Finest Hour:Voices of the World War II Generation
LIFE collector's edition
Our Finest Hour
Voices of the World War II Generation
with an intro by Bob Greene
Paperback: 128 pages
- Publisher: Time-Life; First edition. edition ISBN 10: 1883013984 / ISBN 13: 9781883013981Published by Time Inc. Home Entertainment, Des Moines, IA, 2000
- Language: English
- Package Dimensions: 10.6 x 9 x 0.5 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds
- FTC; Purchased from Store
My Thoughts
Do you purchase Collector's editions?
Almost all of my collector's editions have been bought on sale. As a general rule, I don't seek out a collector's edition.
But, here's one I recently purchased.
I expect I did this because I enjoy history, have relatives that fought in this war, and felt it included some outstanding photojournalism. I also don't feel I can go wrong with a read that combines heartfelt depictions with music and lyrics by Herman Hupfeld.
This collector's edition is broken down into 12 sections: The introduction by Bob Greene, The Beginning, Home Front, The Lonely, Fighters, Entertainers, The Wounded, The Storytellers, The Lost, The End, Chronology, Resources.
It is an extremely interesting read, including 'The Beginning", where the poor sailor admits he gets carsick.
Throughout the book, we view images depicting valor. And, we learn some soldiers who fought in WWII had previously fought in WWI.
We are provided with a glimpse of the outcome of starvation studies as well as learning how soldiers are taught to 'spring up for an advance'.
I was drawn to the photos that show the loss felt during war times. In the section "Fighters", a technician is sharing his C-rations with some poor Italian children. And, the photo of a single soldier standing in a bombed-out church in Italy, reminded me of how Chaplains are called upon to relay the details of the tragedy.
We learn of "celluloid therapy", used for those injured. And, we view crewmen in action during a sea burial.
Beyond that, we learn of heart-wrenching stories such as the soldier holding the hand at the foot of the mule trail.