February 2018 Reads and Orchids

This month, we celebrated Valentine's Day. We read books, listened to albums, and spent an enjoyable day at the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory.

I enjoy reading picture books that teach children about the importance of acceptance. This book, Baby Bird,  will help children better understand that it is ok to be different and I absolutely adore the illustrations by Zosienka which make me think of spring. 

In Daring to Hope, we have the opportunity to watch and learn as stories unfold and we witness Katie's struggle with the courage to endure things she does not understand while assisting those she cares about with healing and palliative care.This is not a comfort read. But it does speak to us in that it is a real read that shows us how acts of compassion can change lives and communities.

This was a must-read for me. I love Anne of Green Gables and spent time watching the television series as we followed Anne Shirley's spunky character on her escapades while she took sleigh rides over snow-covered hills and wandered through red clay paths skirted with lush trees and scenic farmland

This charming story Cats of the Butterwick Sands moves from one location to another with a mix of characters such as a Percy, Pebbles and Mr. Peabody.

In general, my tastes in reading material focus on history and nature and really anything I can analyze. So, I was drawn to the cover of this book Echoes of Understorey. What's not to love about a mythical rain forest?  I found this storytelling to be huge in world building and weighing heavily on characters and culture. 

Even though the book  Kitchen Herbs was published back in 1988, the details and recipes are still used today. And, I expect the section with varieties, tastes, best with, and herb combinations I will frequent.

I did 1 review for Blogging for Books in the month of February and read 4 books for Net Galley. 
My book clubs read for February is Survivors Club, The True Story of a Very Young Prisoner of Auschwitz. I had to pause awhile on this one but plan to finish it soon. 

At last check, I have 18 countries viewership for my blog pages. Here's my top 10  blog audience 
United States, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Thailand, Brazil, Poland, Spain, India.
