Retention Connection
Honestly, I wish I could recall all the books I've read over the years. I'll sit down to write a post and be scrolling through Goodreads, browsing Net Galley and LibraryThing, checking a synopsis, while chatting on the phone, and I get an email asking if I've read this book yet and occasionally, I'll have to check my READ HISTORY to see if I have.
When people ask, they often give me the title or tell me about the cover. This seldom works for me as my concentration is on something quirky I've fallen in love with during the read.
Below are some practical techniques for retaining information and a few of the ways I go about using these techniques. I hope some of these may be beneficial to you. But do whatever works best for you. Just engage yourself to READ as it increases your creativity, empathy, and it's often good for a laugh.
Take Notes
I try to jot things down and think many readers would do this. When I don't, I often butcher the spelling of names. Take for example my name Lori. Also spelled, Lorie, Lorrie, Laurie, Lory. I'm sure you get the idea.
Analyze the Book
Honestly, I am terrible at analyzing. I once asked an author about all the locals is the book because the timelines and miles from here to there didn't seem to be matching up. Believe me - I mapped them out in my mind and then on paper.
Skim the Text First
I am not a skimmer but I know plenty of people who are. I truly like the clumsy awkwardness of interactions that start at the beginning of some of my reads. Plus, I have a vivid imagination and like surprises, so I turn each page starting at the beginning and working my way through to the very end unless I have no interest. If this is the case, I put the book down, and try to make a connection with it at another time.
Impress, Associate, Repeat, and "When do I do this ?"
Generally, I do these three, more frequently, on those sections which are thought-provoking or touch close to home base.
Introduce Information to Others
This is done by my review on my blog or more recently by sharing information on Instagram. But, prior to blogging book reviews, I use to speak with patrons and book clubs about books, and I've voiced countless storytimes too. Sharing stories is fun!
Read Out Loud
I do this all the time and would suggest if you are doing this to be considerate of others. My husband often asks from the other room, '"What did you say?" I respond, "I'm READING."
Read Paper/Print.
I LOVE paper and print! Hence, my growing collection of Antique books. When reviewing for author/publishers, it is convenient to receive reads by download. I truly think, for me, reading is all about FOCUS. So, when I read, it is typically where there are very few distractions.
Become Familiar with the Topic
I like a broad array of genres. When an author or publisher approaches me, I usually check out the synopsis but that's about all before I decide if I am going to place them on the 'to read list'.
Be OK with Putting a Book Down
Be ok with putting a book down and picking up a different book to read. You will likely find you will retain something you enjoy.