This is a Cat, John P. Curtin, Jr.

This is a Cat [Print Replica] Kindle Edition

By John P. Curtin, Jr.

File Size: 16043 KB
Publisher: Brickyard Eagle Publishing, LLC; 1 edition (January 28, 2019)
Publication Date: January 28, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B07K2M736M


This is a wonderful story about a big fluffy grey cat named Mr. Huggle. The story is told through the eyes of his owner, recounting how this lovable cat gets into one thing after another. You will laugh and you will cringe, but most of all you will have lots of fun. It’s a delightful read with bright illustrations and some life lessons.

My Thoughts

I adore books that introduce children to the wonders of reading and writing with pictures. The concept of This is a Cat is wonderful. It opens with a dedication of being thankful for family. On the sofa is Mr. Huggle and above him, on the wall, you see portraits of his family, each one similar, yet unique.

This book is lively and engaging with cat expressions and pops of patterns. It shows children that Mr. Huggle deals with similar issues and frustrations, and it allows them too see relationships and develop generalizations. The simple rhyming text makes This is a Cat a fun and educational read that will appeal to pre-school and early primary school children.

I received this adorable ARC from Brickyard Eagle Publishing, LLC.
