From Foster Care to Millionaire: A Young Entrepreneur's Story of Tragedy and Triumph by Cody McLain
From Foster Care to Millionaire: A Young Entrepreneur's Story of Tragedy and Triumph
Cody McLain
- File Size: 22692 KB
- Print Length: 336 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publication Date: November 6, 2018
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
- Language: English
Cody's story offers all the components you'd expect from the success story of a young entrepreneur with Aspergers-motivation, drive, perseverance, focus, and passion. You might call it a rags-to-riches tale, and you wouldn't be wrong. But that here-to-there narrative is only the top layer. Cody's story unfolds to reveal a narrative that is more complicated and yet simpler, more central, to the human experience. What remains is the story of a boy, burdened like all of us with deep wounds and great gifts, searching for a purpose. What remains is a story that will inspire readers to find their true calling and work like hell to achieve their dreams.
My Thoughts
I've had this book on my list for a while and thought I would read the prologue and then lay it down and pick it up later but once I started it I was compelled to finish it.
This book was an easy read and is cleverly written.
I appreciated the descriptives especially the detailing of the families trip to Niagra Falls, Grandpa's impact, Wilke's guidance, Max's comfort, biking, walking across the muddy field, and the use of an odor eliminating product.
Many themes are combined throughout this book and I found warmth and humor intertwined with bullying and death. All the while, this young man continuously learns and adapts to his surroundings.
The images helped me connect more to this read and I think what I like most about the book is seems genuine and it's not just a man wielding his many accomplishments but more of a man delivering a critical observation of his journey which took him From Foster Care to Millionaire.
I received a copy of this book via Hannah Pinkerton for my honest review.
You can find out more about Cody here