Surrendered Stories with photographs Kristin Fouquet

Surrendered Stories
Kristin Fouquet
File Size: 7502 KB
Print Length: 117 pages
Publisher: Le Salon Press (April 9, 2019)
Publication Date: April 9, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English

These four surrendered stories of literary fiction are accompanied by twenty-four b&w photographs. In "Cocteau’s Ransom," two dognappers believe they’ve found the solution to their financial troubles until unexpected complications arise. A lonely young woman with employment issues finds her escapism in vintage films at "The Vestige." When the Roussels "Return to Camp Bon Temps," their annual summer fishing camp, it’s not all good times as their daughter cannot forget the previous summer. In "Margaux’s Understudy," an inexperienced home healthcare worker uses the past in creative ways to engage her wards.

My Thoughts

I often appreciate short story collections and was drawn to the title Surrendered Stories.

Kristin Fouquet is not new to writing or photography this being her fifth book, a collection of short stories with  24 b & w companion photographs - the street photography being my favorite.

 Yes, I have a love and black and white photography and found  Fouquet's writing to be stimulating! 

Each story is surrendered and each is precise, evokes imagery and appeals to emotion as Fouquet depicts the dynamics of changing social interactions and misfortunes through skillfully written prose.

I received this copy of Surrendered Stories through the generosity of  Le Salon Press for an honest review.

Surrendered Stories Book Trailer is here

You can learn more about Kristin and her work here.
