August 2019 Reads and Indian Lake
This month of August I'm going to sit here on Indian Lake listening to the seagulls while looking out over the water and talk to you about authors, book reviews, clubs, and Advance Reader Copies.
This month many mourn the passing of Toni Morrison an American novelist, Pulitzer, and Noble prize winner, essayist, editor, teacher.
They also mourn Seamus Heaney. Heaney won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995 "for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past." I urge you to scout out either author's work if you haven't already.
They also mourn Seamus Heaney. Heaney won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995 "for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past." I urge you to scout out either author's work if you haven't already.
In case you missed it this month I received a copy of the Legacy Letters by Carew Papritz which gained the distinction of being the only book in publishing history to win awards in both fiction and non-fiction categories. This book is a treasure.
The Artisan Heart by Dean Mayes is a beautifully told story of new beginnings. One where we find unresolved feelings are identified and priorities defined to embrace life.
The Truth About Gretchen by Alretha Thomas is an intricate story. I love the significance of the drops of water and the way other characters are pulled into this story. Thomas's writing style is strong and allows readers to have a vivid sense of effect.
I won't go into much detail about Lethal Justice by Blake Sebring but I will tell you Sebring's characters are names of people he knows. And what I love most about this is many of these names I recognize and it amuses me as to which direction he takes with their characters.
48 Peaks by Cheryl Suchors is an evocative read which teaches us how the experience of nature assists in the healing process.
There were two spotlight interviews this month.
Anne Butler Montgomery explained that people pursuing a career in journalism need to be open and understand it is a mobile career that will likely require moves to bigger markets.
Since my interview with Sonia Faruqi, she's shared good things are happening and explained Ethiopia has a 'green legacy' initiative with hopes to plant billions of trees. She also shared, Belize is becoming a world leader in protecting the ocean due to their implementation of the “no-take” zone.
Recently, I received a note from a publisher that an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) I was sent was being revised so it was requested that I not read the copy and instead wait for another copy to arrive in the mail. This is not unusual! As noted, ARC's are not the end version of a book. And frankly, when reading, I find things are sometimes out of sequence in these copies so I look forward to reading the revised copy.
This month, I got more involved in mobile social media and joined Women Reading Great Books and Writers and Authors Promotions. I enjoy these clubs as they afford me the opportunity to post about what I've read or am currently reading and/or writing.
This month the Top 10 Audience is from the United States, Ukraine, Russia, Colombia, France, Germany, Canada, Malaysia, United Kingdom, and Belgium.
Indian Lake photo