The Kitchen Brigade Laurie Boris

  • The Kitchen Brigade
  • Laurie Boris
  • File Size: 2873 KB
  • Print Length: 282 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publication Date: January 10, 2019
  • Sold by: Services LLC
  • Language: English

I've likely read as many  Dystopian novels as I have classics. If you are searching for a book where food is a focus and many of the main scenes take place in the kitchen then you may want to check out The Kitchen Brigade.

If an army marches on its stomach, can a cook win the war? A dystopian story about food, friendship, loyalty, courage…and what unites us as the world tries to tear us apart.

It’s 2049, in a Russian-occupied America ravaged by civil war. Valerie Kipplander—daughter of the assassinated secretary of state—is thrown in jail. When the regime discovers this daughter of privilege is also a talented culinary student, she’s forced into service in the kitchen of a Russian general whose troops occupy New York. 

The general’s mansion proves a prison of a different sort. The head chef has a mysterious past. The Russians have a more insidious agenda than what they’ve promised. The resistance wants her on their side. And one of the guards wants her dead.

Valerie knows she must take a stand. The risks are monumental, the choices few. But how long can she serve the men bent on destroying her beloved country?
