Hydroponics Richard Bray
Hydroponics: How to Pick the Best Hydroponic System and Crops for Homegrown Food Year-Round (Urban Homesteading)
- Series: Urban Homesteading (Book 1)
- Paperback: 88 pages
- Publisher: Independently published (September 12, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1718043759
- ISBN-13: 978-1718043756
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
- and
Hydroponics: DIY Hydroponics: 12 Easy and Affordable Ways to Build Your Own Hydroponic System (Urban Homesteading Book 2)
- File Size: 4473 KB
- Print Length: 147 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publication Date: October 19, 2018
- Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
- Review: Hydroponics by Richard Bray
- I have to admit that homesteading is appealing to me and I strive to do things to assist us in having a sustainable lifestyle.
- This is the time of year I spend more time outside and concentrate on growing fruit and vegetables. I have good soil here to grow in but not all gardeners grow in soil or use soil exclusively. If you are looking for other options you may wish to consider a hydroponic garden.
- Hydroponics uses no soil. Plants are grown in a solution of water and nutrients. There are 6 basic types of hydroponic systems. You can learn more about hydroponics in Richard Bray's books.
- You can find my interview with Richard here.
About the Author
Richard’s father was a keen gardener and that is where his interest in all natural things began. As a youngster, he enjoyed nothing better than helping his father in the garden.
Nowadays, he finds himself at the opposite end of life. Having had a satisfying career, he now has time to potter around in his garden and take care of his small homestead. Much of the food on his dinner table is homegrown. He likes to experiment with various gardening methods and find new ways to grow bountiful crops year-round.