You Were Not Born to Suffer: Overcome Fear, Insecurity and Depression and Love Yourself Back to Happiness, Confidence, and Peace Blake D. Bauer
You Were Not Born to Suffer: Overcome Fear, Insecurity and Depression and Love Yourself Back to Happiness, Confidence, and Peace
Author: Blake D. Bauer
Item Weight: 15.8 ounces
Paperback: 352 pages
ISBN-10: 1780289855
ISBN-13: 978-1780289854
Product Dimensions : 5.33 x 1 x 8.49 inches
Publisher: Watkins Publishing; Updated, Revised Edition (March 21, 2017)
Take charge of your health, happiness, and inner peace with this authoritative guide on treating yourself with kindness, acceptance, and compassion
In this life-changing book, Blake Bauer explains why depression, addiction, physical illness, unfulfilling work, and relationship problems are caused by years of hiding your true emotions, denying your life purpose, and living in fear. Having already helped thousands of people find lasting solutions that conventional medicine, psychiatry, or religion couldn't offer, You Were Not Born to Suffer will show you how to free yourself from these destructive thoughts, habits, and situations that keep you from being happy and well.
In simple practical steps you'll learn how to slow down and create a healthier relationship to yourself that is based on acceptance, kindness, honesty, and self-worth. You'll also find out how to transform the stress, anxiety, and insecurity that result from constantly trying to please others into lasting confidence, self-respect, and inner peace.
Whether it's negative thinking, financial worry, loneliness, guilt, or self-doubt that's holding you back, Blake Bauer's words will move you to take better care of yourself, heal old pain, and courageously move forward. If you're ready to enjoy your life, feel passionate about your work, and create fulfilling relationships, this book will support you to live authentically, love wholeheartedly, and finally value yourself enough to put everyday health and happiness at the center of your life.
Review: You Were Not Born to Suffer: Overcome Fear, Insecurity and Depression and Love Yourself Back to Happiness, Confidence, and Peace Blake D. Bauer
Recently, I've been reading the International Bestseller Your Were Not Born To Suffer: Overcome Fear, Insecurity and Depression and Love Yourself Back to Happiness, Confidence, and Peace.
The introduction opens up to functional sanity, self-love, world peace and you, and using the word of God.
I'm pretty task-oriented and occasionally struggle with not measuring up or being enough.
This quote by Nisargadatta Maharaj is a reminder of measures of satisfaction and enjoyment. “Once you realize that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom, life ceases to be a task and becomes natural and simple, in itself an ecstasy.”
If you are a frequent visitor to this book blog you know I study and review war reads and am a firm believer in that connections to others are vital to our well-being. Viktor Franki, a Nazi concentration camp survivor, provides valuable insight about salvation being through love and knowing bliss though having nothing else.
What I took away from this book is we were not born to suffer, and that I need to be honest with myself and with others with no strings attached. The key affirmations that work best for me are I can feel good wherever I am and I do not need to be more, to do more, or have more, for others to love me.
About the Author
Blake D. Bauer is the author of the international bestselling book You Were Not Born To Suffer. Each year he helps thousands of people who cannot find effective support from conventional psychology, medicine, or religion. Blake is a world-renowned teacher and speaker with an extensive background in psychology, alternative medicine, nutrition, traditional healing, and mindfulness meditation. Based on both his personal experience overcoming deep suffering, addiction, and adversity, as well as his professional success with over 100,000 people worldwide, Blake’s pioneering work integrates what he’s found to be the most effective approaches to optimal mental, emotional, and physical health.