December 2020 Reads and Reruns


December has been a busy month and we are near the end of a  challenging year.

I started a book this month mostly because I've appreciated the author's past work.

Ed Weinberger, who has written for Bob Hope, Richard Pryor, and Johnny Carson, began his career in the early ’60s with Dick Gregory. Weinberger wrote and produced for The Mary Tyler Moore Show, co-created Taxi, Dear John, and The Cosby Show.  He received the Writers Guild of America Lifetime Achievement Award and recently his book GOTCHA was published.

I watched A Look Back at Trump’s Presidency on Saturday Night Live and then picked up Weinberger's book GOTCHA which I received some time ago from Andrea J. Stein, Director of Publicity with Jane Wesman Public Relations.

Perhaps I will finish  GOTCHA one day. What I did read, I found it to be filled with familiar political events.  If you are searching for vivid and detailed political ribbing of America’s 45th President then this may be a read for you. I've paused my reading to look for reruns of one of America's sitcoms.
