Suppose Muscle Suppose Night Suppose This In August

In continuing my collection of short stories, poems, and the like. I came upon another intriguing collection. 

If you looking for a book of poetry that is hard to put down you might try Suppose Muscle, Suppose Night, Suppose This in AugustIn it, Zaccagnino explores how anxiety and escape can shape a life from childhood to adulthood. 

This hybrid of lyrical essays and poetry weaves a delicate thread across the country, through dreams and nightmares, euphoria and fear, and intimacy and distance, always with particular attention to form and language. With dreamlike imagery, a unique inventiveness, and emotional clarity, the collection dissects that which we are too afraid to touch in our waking hours.

In checking out Zaccagnino's website she has some links to her poetry. I appreciated  Kindred ( Long Distance) and really liked the  Women Braces Herself excerpt and interview by Honeysuckle Press.

Danielle Zaccagnino is an essayist, a poet, and an English teacher. She was the winner of Sonora Review’s Essay Prize (2016) and Salem College’s Rita Dove Prize in Poetry (2017). She has an MFA from Texas State University. Her writing appears in journals such as Diagram, Waxwing, Sonora Review, and Puerto del Sol. She is from Queens, New York. Website:

Suppose Muscle Suppose Night Suppose This In August

by Danielle Zaccagnino

Release Date: November 30, 2020

essays & poetry | 5.875 x 8.75in | 100 pages | $17.00

ISBN: 978-1-951853-02-0

Distributed by Small Press Distribution (SPD)
