Act of Negligence by John Bishop MD

Act of Negligence A Doc Brady Mystery

John Bishop MD.

Publisher : Mantid Press (June 15, 2021)

Language : English

Paperback : 282 pages

ISBN-10 : 1734251166

ISBN-13 : 978-1734251166

Item Weight : 14.7 ounces

Dimensions : 6 x 0.64 x 9 inches

Something unusual is going on with the dementia patients at Pleasant View Nursing Home.

Dr. Jim Bob Brady, Houston orthopedic surgeon and amateur sleuth, finds himself in the midst of a different type of medical mystery. His friend and colleague, Dr. James Morgenstern, refers him a series of dementia patients with orthopedic problems from Pleasant View Nursing Home. Each patient dies, irrespective of the treatment, a situation that Doc Brady is unaccustomed to.

Each death prompts an autopsy, performed by another Brady colleague, Dr. Jeff Clarke, who discovers unusual brain pathology in each patient. Some of the tissue samples show nerve regeneration, a finding unheard of in dementia patients.

Doc Brady, enraged by the loss of his patients and obsessively curious about the pathologic findings, begins to investigate the nursing home, as well as its owner and CEO, Dr. Theodore Frazier. This leads Brady and Clarke on an adventure to discover the happenings at Pleasant View-an adventure that sees them running for their lives.

Review: Act of Negligence  by John Bishop MD

Today, I read an advanced reader copy of Act of Negligence, A Doc Brady Mystery by John Bishop MD.

Bishop is an orthopedic surgeon and keyboard musician and this is the fourth book in his Doc Brady Mystery series. 

Most of us know that there can be many potentially life-threatening complications from surgery. But what if you are an orthopedic surgeon following the usual precautions and in a period of 24 hours you've lost multiple patients? 

Well in this storyline the orthopedic surgeon, Doc Brady, pairs up with the pathologist, Dr. Clarke, to investigate Pleasant View Nursing Home.

Genuinely, I like the relationship between these two doctors. They are passionate about their profession and teach great coping strategies. I appreciate the range of musical interests displayed.  They show us that some doctors are disarming, vulnerable, and can provide witty banter.  

The story speaks of moral responsibility and values. It points out qualitative and quantitative approaches and a need for responsible management of data. It demonstrates why the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) is necessary. 

This advanced reader copy was provided by the generosity of Anna Sacca, Senior Publicity Manager with FSB Associates

About the Author
John Bishop's 30 years as a practicing orthopedic surgeon give the reader a unique glimpse into the medical world with all its problems, intricacies and complexities, while at the same time revealing the compassion and dedication of most health care professionals.

Act of Murder

Act of Deception


Anthony Bidulka said…
I was surprised when your review talked about music. I appreciate when authors of mystery are not afraid to flesh out their characters to such an extent that it is noted in a review.
Anthony Bidulka said…
I was surprised when your review talked about music. I appreciate when authors of mystery are not afraid to flesh out their characters to such an extent that it is noted in a review.