Clouds: love poems from above the fray by Jon Meyer

I have a weakness for clouds and have spent many hours OOooing and Ahhhhing in wonderment at them. There is something stunning about clouds; each one has an air of mystery and magic. 

Today, I was pleased as punch when I received this signed hardbound copy of Clouds: love poems from above the fray. Each page displays earnest words with flawless craftsmanship whether on a foggy day, on a rocky shore, on a mountain top, or watching a white horse galloping down a pebbled road. 

Clouds: love poems from above the fray now rests on my coffee table so I can leaf through it daily. My only issue is when I pick it up I'm reluctant to put it back down. 

If you want to know more about this beautiful book and author Jon Meyer click here and don't forget to check him out in the Author Spotlight.
