The Pace Process for Early Career Success By Mark Zides
Review: The Pace Process for Early Career Success By Mark Zides
By 2025, experts predict that Millennials and Generation Z will make up the majority of the world’s workforce. So, it is safe to say that many teens we know will be the ones we solicit advice from in the near future.
On a daily basis, I talk with teenagers who are working on building cover letters and resumes. while developing skillsets and selecting goals for future employment. One of the things I often get asked is how are they to prepare for the pace of what is to come when there is so much uncertainty.
Teenagers may find they have difficulty managing their time and the thought of selecting highly uncertain options frightens them more than the outcome of their state exams. While a few will take the initiative and jump into any task set before them, others might find they lack the motivation. Zides offers specific steps that can be taken to stoke motivation and inspire exceptional outcomes.
Most teens we observe know their way around gaming systems and have better knowledge of social media terminology than we do. Yet, they have not developed the experience that comes with networking. Zides offers valuable information on the 3 different types of connections to consider when building a network.
Another important topic that is introduced in this book is risk assessment. Sometimes things in life are out of our control but there are other times when we have to select what it is that we want. We're reminded that we need to determine what traits we must develop, and the risks we are willing to entertain, to achieve our goals.
Zides informs us when we are preparing to learn and earn there is a list of relevant questions to ask ourselves on our journey to finding fulfillment. One thing he points out that we all must take into consideration is the number of jobs that are now being done remotely.
While the premise of this book is geared toward Early Career Success, I believe the core of this book presents questions and answers that everyone can relate to and techniques that many will find beneficial when making calculated choices to amass accomplishments.
To wrap things up, starting with a vision, building objectives, strategic planning, and recognizing your core values will assist you in navigating your career landscape. In a nutshell, it's you who sets the pace and decides your definition of success.
I received the review copy of this book from Michelle Fitzgerald, Publicity Director, FSB Associates
About the Author
Mark Zides is the founder and CEO of CoreAxis Consulting, an award winning Learning and Development and Talent Management firm. He is also the founder of Katama, an agency specializing in sales strategy, marketing, and customer success for small-to-medium sized businesses, and Recipi, a digital marketing agency for rental event equipment companies.
Mark has become a leader in his industry with his unique ability to provide insight, skills, resources, and experience to implement industry-leading solutions. Mark’s clear vision drives his clients, partners, and employees to remain on task and deliver innovative industry-leading solutions.
Mark has authored a guide on how to get Millennials and Gen-Zers ready for the workforce and the changes they will experience chasing their dreams. His straight-forward, honest approach about the state of the Gen Y/Z workforce and the realities of job seeking, as well as interviews with other relevant experts in the business world, will have anyone ready to take on the task of researching, interviewing, and landing their dream job (or a job with your dream company). You will receive actionable steps, known as Plays, that you can take in any situation based on soft skills