Invincika (Superheroes of the Multiverse) Varun Sayal

I'd mentioned before that when young enjoyed watching television series about Time Travel and aliens. 

Yes, I was one of those kids that made time for Quantum Leap, and X-files and in between that timespan of them airing, I most generally watched the American Gothic, TV Series.

If you are searching for some suspense, thriller, and sci-fi story-books  Varun Sayal's been adding to his collection over the years. His books aren't quite like the series I watched but they do explore topics such as Dark Artificial Intelligence, Time-Travel, High-Tech Hindu Mythology, Djinn Folklore, Telekinetics, and life-consuming Cosmic Entities. 

Sayal lures readers in with humorous/dark stories that are a blend of science fiction/fact. And he is now writing about superheroes.  His book (Superheroes of the Multiverse) Invincika was released this year. 
