Book Review Query

Today, I'm revisiting the Book Review Query as I expect some of you may wonder what makes me decide to delay reading a book and it has to do with the subject matter and how I feel at that time. I will let you know I'm honest with myself and handle movies the same way. Hence, I delayed watching DOG until yesterday and have been aware of it for a while.

If you are trying to obtain a review for your book here are a few guidelines you might wish to consider. The author and title in the subject line of the email requesting review is a good starting place. It makes it easier to track it. 

Here is the typical anatomy of the queries I see

  • Salutation
  • Introduction 
  • A synopsis of your book. 
  • The publisher, ISBN, & publication date. 
  • Formats available - i.e. picturebook, paperback, hardcover, ebook format (which ones?) 
  • Your bio. 
  • Provide links to the publisher’s website and your website.
  • Social media links - such as youtube book trailers.
  • Your signature

To those who come here to read my reviews. I typically schedule myself time to read and when I sit down to write a review, I like to think of things I find interesting about a book. This is generally personable and might not be to everyone's liking but I don't struggle with the thought of writing something that is different, as my writing is sincere. 

Authors should be aware that a rejection or no immediate response to your query should never put one off from writing or trying to get their work out there. Book reviewers receive many queries and perhaps they've not had a chance to check out your query yet as they are busy reading. 
