The Assumption of Death By Anthony David Vernon
The Assumption of Death
Anthony David Vernon
Anthony David Vernon
Featuring Work & Words Previously Published In publications
I received a copy of this ecollection from the author for my honest review.
Review: The Assumption of Death
I will tell you I was searching for tales of mystery when Anthony David Vernon sent me his collection. Vernon is a poet and writer of meditations on classic works of death. Vernon's work centers around the idea that living guarantees death is merely an assumption and not an absolute fact.
Greek philosopher Eubulides made this statement centuries ago. "Because a statement is an assertion, this is a somewhat mind-boggling verbal paradox. If you are stating that something is not true, or not as stated, then you are seemingly contradicting yourself."
I like words and am aware that Words are often written with different meanings. Words can be written as a means to make you think. Hence, when I read I often find rhetoric and verbal paradoxes that emphasize a point There are words written to the contrary of their conventional meaning for humorous effect - placed on a page to amuse readers. There are also words that are written that will deconstruct themselves. I am sure you get the WORD gist.
Veron writes words are immortal and this collection of entries is composed of a few lines to a few pages long and some of his concepts are explained with metaphors. Vernon does quote other poets and explains that this is a hybrid book that includes poetry, short stories, philosophical meditations, and works and words that have been published elsewhere.
My favorite of this collection may be The Foot Of The Mountain and Nonessential Quality Of Living.
About the Author
Anthony David Vernon is a Cuban-American literary writer and a philosophy graduate student at the University of New Mexico.
Anthony David Vernon is a Cuban-American literary writer and a philosophy graduate student at the University of New Mexico.