Our Missing Hearts and Miss Peregrine's Museum of Wonders
I have a thing for iconic logos and one I have always been amused by is the Penguin. Well, earlier, this year Penguin celebrated nine decades in, Penguin Books. And Penguin Random House recently released this year’s mixed emotions where you may find a book that matches your mood.
I looked through the mixed emojis and paused awhile at the Idle Curiosity as I recognized a name I hear quite frequently, Miss Peregrine.
Yes, Ransom Rigg's latest is Miss Peregrine's Museum of Wonders filled with unexplained photos that are peculiar.
You can find the Official Trailer here which is part of Penguin Teen.
Celeste Ng novel
Our Missing Hearts
about twelve-year-old Bird Gardner.
This book is kindhearted and gives a warm feeling of love and it speaks of things, I appreciate like poetry and libraries. You can see more about her writing process and books here.