A Different Frame of Mind: Living a Full Life with Traumatic Brain Injury Lois Jean Thomas

In 2014, the author published her memoir, DAYS OF DAZE: MY JOURNEY THROUGH THE WORLD OF TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY.  In this follow-up book, she describes her efforts to cope with her lingering brain injury challenges, exploring the long-term physical, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual impact on her life.

Says Ms. Thomas, "This book is not meant to be an authoritative resource on the topic of traumatic brain injury.  It is only story.  While people who sustain brain injuries may share similar symptoms, no two injuries are exactly alike.  Each TBI impacts a distinctive personality and disrupts a particular lifestyle.  And each TBI survivor develops his or her unique ways of coping with impairment."

Review: A Different Frame of Mind: Living a Full Life with Traumatic Brain Injury by Lois Jean Thomas

When I think of challenges, illness often comes to mind.

 Awhile back, I was contacted by Lois Jean Thomas who wrote DAYS OF DAYS and A DIFFERENT FRAME OF MIND as a way of adjusting to living with a brain injury she received  in 2010.

Medical providers base the severity level of a brain injury on the person’s Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, memory loss, and consciousness.  But other factors often play a role in diagnosing the severity of a brain injury such as what level of injury the person received - be it mild TBI, moderate TBI, and severe TBI. 

The book A DIFFERENT FRAME OF MIND  teaches readers that no two brain injuries are exactly alike. 

The story describes Lois' efforts to find meaning and creative ways of coping with challenges such as temporarily impaired walking and visual work which causes her much pain.


A Different Frame of Mind:

Living a Full Life with Traumatic Brain Injury

Lois Jean Thomas

​​​ISBN-10: 0997644540

ISBN-13: 978-0997644548

LCCN: 2018903113

BISAC: Biography & Autobiography 
