Where We Belong The Museum of Forgotten Memories by Anstey Harris


While at the bookstore today, I picked up the book Where We Belong (The Museum of Forgotten Memories) by Anstey Harris. I read the first page that the book opened to. The writing was so descriptively beautiful that I took the book to the checkout counter and immediately headed home.

Now, I'm lying here on the sofa and can tell you this read is original. 

If you've not read the book then you wouldn't know it is a bold and raw look at a fractured family suffering from overwhelming losses. 

Hatters Museum of the Wide Wide World dates back to the Victorian era and showcases a collection of taxidermized African animals in an old English Mansion.

I love that this setting gives me permission to explore and imagine what the characters are currently going through as well as what they went through many generations ago. 

All the while, I'm thinking about my dog Buddy and how comforting it is to still have him here with me. Then my husband comes in and captures this photo of us so we can preserve the image and it will not be a forgotten memory.