How Far is Far? poems of Peter Hilty

I've finished the book titled How Far is Far? poems of Peter Hilty. This book published in 1991 is 83 pages. The book is largely about his experiences growing-up in Morgan County, Mo. 

I can't recall when or where I purchased this copy. It is signed by the author but not addressed to me.

What I like about Hilty's writing is he writes of experiences in rural beauty with trees, grackles, and horses. He also writes of a visit to Europe, his thoughts on Vincent Van Gough, Sonnets, a Retirement Home and Old Men in Church.

I sit here re-reading his poem titled Black Walnut. It is about a Black Walnut tree he had in his yard that died and he is carving it into a table. In closing, he mentions Keats and Plato who are also both associated with trees and wrote several poems about nature. 

I pause in silence for a moment and think about the Black Walnut trees we had in our yard growing up. Mom and I have fond memories of gathering the nuts to create Black Walnut cakes. One Black Walnut still stands and the other was removed this week. You see, the county is expanding the road. The contractor took a portion of Mom's property and made it clear they didn't care of the trees importance to all living creatures.  

Hilty's, How Far is Far? will be returned to its spot in my bookcase of poetry. 


About the Author

Peter Hilty received his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D degrees from the University of Missouri. He taught English at Missouri, Park College and Southeast Missouri State College. 


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