The Dragon's Glare by T.J. and M.L. Wolf


Review: The Dragon's Glare by T.J. and M.L. Wolf 

The Dragon's Glare by T.J. and M.L. Wolf is the second book in The Survival Trilogy. 

This book begins with the unexplained phenomena in the Year of the Pig.

Una Waters works in D. C. and her co-worker gets the flu so she ends up on assignment in Chinatown. We learn she is at a parade on Mott Street and she encounters a Chinese Dragon. 

I rather like the part where the small red Chinese Lanterns are released as readers learn more about the history behind this. But unfortunately, someone falls victim.

From here, we learn this plot relies heavily on historical symbols and folklore.

Una comes up missing and her friend Maddie alerts the authorities. When found Una can't seem to recall recent events so she is checked out at the emergency room.

General Ashcroft appears when there is a cyber breach at the NYPD and Jack Howser arrives to investigate a reported UFO sighting.

Una appears to be paranoid and based on her demeanor conspiracies can easily be assumed. We learn more about alien abduction possibilities when Una recalls her childhood beliefs.

I like the conversational tones and similes used in this piece of speculative fiction.

I received a copy of this manuscript from author T.L. Wolf.

About the Authors

T.J. & M.L. Wolf joined forces in the field of Healthcare, exploring mutual interest in the work of UFO researchers like Budd Hopkins and movie directors like Steven Spielberg. The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens became a focal point of their quest to uncover the truth regarding humanity’s purpose and how it pertains to our future. They write speculative fiction that appeals to Women and Young Adults. Married over 20 years, they live in Boardman, Ohio with their six-pound Yorkie, who keeps the family in line.
