The Invisible Ladder An Anthology of Contemporary American Poems for Young Readers
Guess what?
I picked up a few more books to read today. You see, I have 4 days left in the year and a few days off work and am trying to surpass my yearly goal. But when I look at the number of books I've read this year, I'm disappointed.
Years ago, I was exceeding 100 books and now I am struggling to make 50 books a year and some of those 50 include childrens books. Last I looked, my average pages read was 194.
If you know anything about me you know I like to research so I went to the search engine and typed in "How many books on average does a person read a year?"
The response I received was staggering! I figured people generally read at least 30 books a year but it states the average that people in the United States read is 12 books per year.
Of the books I picked up today, I'd almost finished The Invisible Ladder before we pulled into our driveway. "Yes, I read, while my husband drives the vehicle."
The Invisible Ladder is An Anthology of Contemporary American Poems for Young Readers. I'm young at heart, do like to read and enjoyed this collection that is edited by Liz Rosenberg. The book also includes the poets commentary and photos.
Before I left the store, I had read the Mystery of Emily Dickinson by Marvin Bell who was the first Poet Laureate of the state of Iowa.
One selection that stirred me that is much shorter is by Robert Bly. It is titled, Listening to a Cricket in the Wainscoting.
Bly is regarded as one of the legends of contemporary poetry. I believe he was quite creative and perceive that in his unique writing style he was showing readers it is good to be true to your own character, personality or spirit.
Another selection that struck me was The Portrait by Stanley Kunitz. I take from this poem that creating blance in our lives is most difficult when we go through a crisis and we may substitute anger to try an escape pain. However, getting caught in a loop of avoidance coping may feel like a constant slap in the face.
Kunitz was an American poet and appointed Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 1974 and 2000.
I value this anthology and am delighted to add it to my collection. If you have read the book feel free to send me an email I'd love to know what selections you felt a connection to.