February 2020 Reads and Gratitude Letters
Time sure marches on! It's difficult to believe Valentine's Day has come and gone.
I did read a few good books during the month of February.
Wolf by Herbert J. Stern and Alan A. Winter and No Truth Left To Tell by Michael McAuliffe. Neither, I would call light reading. But I felt both stories were very well written.
I read over some of Poe's poetry books in my collection and spent time checking out Jim Campisano's book MUSTANG. I marvel at the prices I see on Classics Autotrader.
The older I get the more I realize I have much to be thankful for. I read Our Wisdom Years by Charles Garfield, PhD and was influenced to get out my stationery and send out some gratitude letters as an appreciatory gesture.
Other than working and reading, I posted an interview with author Gayle Carline who discusses her fifth and final installment of Peri Minneopa Mysteries.
I stayed close to home throughout the month. I seldom watch movies but did watch 'The Tourist' (2010). I like trains and Venice is a lovely setting for a movie. Plus, Johnny Depp's voice relaxes me and it's not every day I get to see a man jump onto a clay tile roof in his P.J.'s.
Other than working and reading, I posted an interview with author Gayle Carline who discusses her fifth and final installment of Peri Minneopa Mysteries.
I stayed close to home throughout the month. I seldom watch movies but did watch 'The Tourist' (2010). I like trains and Venice is a lovely setting for a movie. Plus, Johnny Depp's voice relaxes me and it's not every day I get to see a man jump onto a clay tile roof in his P.J.'s.