March 2022 Reads and Frankenstein

Well, we hit a high of 71 degrees today. This is an improvement from the low temperatures we had earlier in the week that brought us some snow. The change in the weather allowed Mom and I to get together and go out and decorate the graves for spring with some artificial flowers. I wintered over some geraniums indoors and one is blooming. A few daffodils are in bloom and the lilacs, magnolia, and forsythia are budding. 

After a slow start to the year, I've picked up the pace some, and March was a pretty decent reading month for me. I reviewed Heart Medicine: How to Stop Painful Patterns and Find Peace and Freedom--at Last  Radhule Weininger, MD, PhD, The Still Point: The Simplicity of Spiritual Enlightenment by Kevin Krenitsky, Aspire Higher: How to Find the Love, Positivity, and Purpose to Elevate Your Life and The World  Ken Lindner. 

Len Joy's latest book Dry Heat sits on my shelf and I posted an excerpt from it. I received a signed copy of Jon Meyer's beautiful book Clouds: love poems from above the fray and posted my interview with him.

I purchased another copy of Mary Shelley's book Frankenstein. Still, am amazed she was only 18 when she wrote it. Thankfully, she was a great competitor as the novel came about because of her competition with Percy and Lord Byron to see who could write the best horror story. Mary wrote several other novels which are on my TBR. 

All in all a pretty decent month! I squeezed in writing book reviews, interviewing an author,. and catching up on my lifestyle blog. I made it back to my Goodreads Bookclub Bound Together, enjoyed a youtube book club from the comfort of home, and even worked a little overtime at my job.

The Top 10 blog audience this month is from the United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Philippines, Australia,  South Korea, Netherlands, and Slovenia
