
Poetry Review
 Here's a growing collection of my poetry reviews. Please click on the title for the review. Currently, many poetry collections are listed under the book titles section.

Rags to Rags  Cas Amato ( poetry within memoir)

World War I Poems & Author's War Memoirs: Consecration, Lord's Leave, Last Post, The Old Boys, Ruddy Young Ginger, The Ballad of Ensign ... Uppingham Song and Wooden Crosses

( poetry within memoir)

The Woman Without a Voice   Louise Farmer Smith 
( Verse within family memoir)

 (poetic collection)

 ( poetic tale)

The Writers Bloc Club  Don Lubov

Ada Lovelace Isabel Sanchez Vegara

John Keats
It is said that what people like best about Keats's work is that his poems stimulate the imagination of his readers.

Seamus Heaney
Heaney won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995 "for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past." 

(Official)  FTC Disclaimer: In accordance with the FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, Lori's Book Loft would like you to know that while I do purchase many books, the majority of the books reviewed here on this blog were sent to me by the publisher, agent, or author. 
