
Children's book reviews are listed by the author's last name. 

The Santa Thief   Alane Adams

Wonder Walk Ilham Alam and Kerry Bell 


Not Just Toys   Danny Calderon

Harry's Midnight Adventure: Volume 1 (The Bad Cat Club) Catherine Campbell
The Finding  Meg Campbell
Dougie & V: The Story of a Flower and a Tree Carly Jo Carson, Ben Sharony, Nicole Graf
Happy to Be Me Tom Doyle


Jana's Brightly Colored Socks Sally Fetouh  
The Cozies T.L. Fischer

Wish Trap   Lucy Fleming
The Little Red Wolf  Amelie Flechais
The Story Peddler Lindsay  A. Franklin   Author Interview
Tall Tall Tree Anthony Fredericks with Chad Wallace


Timothy's Adventures  Tanya Packer
A Very Very Very Long Dog Julia Patton




I love spending time a the Massa Museum. It holds the most diverse collection of original artwork by children's book illustrators in the world. The museum's goal is to promote literacy and enrich the lives of all people through the art of picture books.

(Official)  FTC Disclaimer: In accordance with the FTC Guidelines for blogging and endorsements, Lori's Book Loft would like you to know that while I do purchase many books, the majority of the books reviewed here on this blog were sent to me by the publisher, agent, or author. 
